Our nephew Daniel celebrated his birthday and is growing so fast. He really reminds me of his dad when he was young. It'll be fun watching to see if he follows his dad's ways.
The high point of the week though was our very dear friend Cass Wenz got married. Now this is not just any wedding. We've known Cass since the time we lived in Hawaii. She was Rose's boss at the contact lense office. This was one event we were not going to miss, even if it was in PHOENIX, AZ. Can you imagine Phoenix in July? We can and it meant HOT, HOT, HOT and more HOT. We arrived Wednesday night and at 11:00 PM it was still 100 degrees. That's right 100 degrees. Oh well, we'll have fun for sure. I guess we'll just have to have lots of cold drinks to help us tolerate the heat.
With the wedding on Friday, we decided to do our errands on Thursday. First stop, Cabela's Sporting Goods to see what I "need". We wound up buying more things for Becky & Joel than for ourselves. I did wind up with a great deal on a PFD, personal flotation device, that I'll use with my new float tube. We also looked at some of the bass boats that they had on display. WOW, they were something else. Too bad I can't tow one of them behind our rig.
Then there was supper with Cass and her future husband Mike. What a neat couple. We wish them the very best.
Friday morning found us running errands, errands and more errands for the bride to be. I was volunteered to take movies of the whole event and had to learn how to use the camera. That was easy compared to the event that happened while I was fooling with the camera.
While I'm checking out the camera, the caterers show up and are asking for Cass. I direct the man to one of the other people there and then turn around to look out the window at their vehicle. I immediately spot FLAMES shooting out from under the truck and see that the asphalt under the truck is also on fire. Then I see the two helpers, who were still in the truck, look out the rear view mirror and get a look of great fear on their faces. I call for someone to call 911 and get out the fire exstinguishers to put out the fire. Another attendee and I run outside and find the diesel is free running. The ignition is off and the engine keeps speeding up. One other man jumps into the truck, while it's on fire, puts it in gear and stalls the engine. About this time the fire truck shows up and finishes up the job. Thankfully no damage was done to the food and the wedding went on as planned.